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Suspe Nation

Privacy policy

Our registered users can rest assured that their personal data is safe. The portal does everything in its power to protect them.

The information that our users entrust to us is very important and precious to us. That’s why we make every effort to keep it secure. Our database is protected against unauthorised access by third parties and our portal is also protected against hacking. Employees who work with our databases cannot copy them, as this protection is also guaranteed.

We only share our users' data with third parties in two cases.

Firstly, when the data is needed by our partners who help us develop the site, by advertisers who wish to place their ads on our portal or by a company that promotes our platform on social media. We transfer this data without identifying the individual in the form of analytical reports and statistics. Secondly, we may transfer user information at the request of the relevant authorities. This does not happen at the first request, but only after the entire procedure has been followed and the need to transfer this data has been documented.

Use of cookies on our platform

Cookies are another technology we use to collect data. They do not collect personal information for us, but only the data that users leave on our website. In other words, we know which site functions they used, what information interested them and which sections they visited. These are the statistics we need to continue working on and improving our platform. If you notice that our platform has started to work better, more in line with your interests, you should know that this progress is due to the fact that we use your data.